Friday, November 29, 2019

6 questions to ask before you let go

6 questions to ask before you let go6 questions to ask before you let goYou are a leader of a team or project and the results you desire arent happening. You have tried various strategies but nothing really changes. Youre stuck. And you just cant afford to stand leise any longer. You have reached that pivotal moment where you are ready to take action though you arent sure what to do.The single biggest effect of conflict for individuals, teams and organizations is feeling powerless. When we are stuck the powerless barometer kicks up two notches and forces us into a protective mode where we sit idle because doing nothing seems safer than failure. Or we busy ourselves with chasing new initiatives because at least we wont be inert. We pretend to be strong when all along we are becoming weaker in denial of the truth. Pretending you are strong is not being strong. Saying you are strong does not make it so. Taking risks makes you strong.Confidence builds with humility and action putting do wn your guard, being vulnerable and admitting that what you need to do is dicey. We arent perfect. And seeking perfection is just an excuse for inertia. It denies the truth that we are afraid.When we cant face facts we play small because in that space of denial we are weak. Mindful leaders know to slow down and notice the discord. They dont turn away from it but can sit with the unrest as long as it takes to vet reality. They lean in to vulnerability and name what holds them back thus diffusing its power. They talk about it with their team and people who matter. They recognize the root fear that clouds their vision and have the courage to cut the bowlines and let it go. Is loyalty to a senior leader holding you back? Did you go to market too soon and realize you need to regroup? Does shutting down a line seem like failure? Do you not want to confront someone but are hurting others in the process?Seasons change to make way for the evolution of new life. Seeds drop, rain falls, plants grow, crops get harvested and the process starts again. Just as we have to wave goodbye to the sunshine and warmth of summer to yield the harvest sometimes we have to let go of things whose time has passed in our personal lives too.Letting go of something might be the biggest initiative of your year. When you can stand in the open with the truth about what isnt working without taking it personally you free yourself from the busyness of perfection. Attack a solution, not yourself. Done is better than perfect. Happy is better than perfect. Done and Happy are where you PLAY BIGWhen You Know Its Time to Get Out the Eraser Litmus Test1. What has the situation, person, performance been like so far?2. Is it worth keeping?3. Is there any sign that it will improve?4. If not, are you willing to accept more of the same?5. What reason is there that tomorrow will be different?6. What is one truth that you CAN believe in?Mindful leaders can name what drains their energy, say thank you when they get difficult feedback, and build self-awareness with daily mindful practices like pausing, meditation, gratitude, intentions and deep listening because they know that the higher they ascend in their career, the less supports are in place. Go to a quiet place and simply sit with the dissonance that clutters your vision. And dont get up until you have clarity on what is at the root of it. Here is a free report to help you 31 Success Practices for Leaders in the High Stakes Corporate World.MaryLeeGannon, ACC, CAEis an executive coach and corporate CEO who helps busy leaders get off the treadmill to nowhere to be more effective, earn more, bemore calm and enjoyconnected relationships with the people who matter while it still matters.Watch her FREE Master Class training on Three Things to Transform Your Life and Career Right Now

Monday, November 25, 2019

What to Do When You Are Facing a Job Relocation

What to Do When You Are Facing a Job RelocationWhat to Do When You Are Facing a Job RelocationYou are sitting at work minding your own business when you get a surprising memo from your employer. It begins by informing you that the company is relocating to another city. It is one so far away that you cant commute to it from your present home. Your breath catches as you immediately assume you are about to become unemployed. You keep reading only to discover that you arent being let go after all. You will still have a job if you are willing to follow them to their new location. Are you? Do you want to pack up your family and move to an unfamiliar city or town? It will mean finding a place to reside and selling your current home if you own it. Your children will have to adjust to new schools and make new friends. In addition to all this, your spouse, who may be happily employed near your current home, must quit his or her job and abflug anew. Will he or she be willing to do that? If you follow the news, you know this scenario isnt an unusual one. Companies often decide that they can opetarif more efficiently in another town and either hire a new staff in that town or take their employees along with them. Those who end up in the latter situation should consider themselves lucky because at least they have a choice, albeit not an easy one to make. If your employer offers to take you along when they move, you must decide if you would rather relocate or would prefer instead to look for a new job in your current city. There are many practical factors to consider such as the quality of life in the new city, the length of your new commute, job opportunities for your spouse, the quality of the schools your children will attend and crime rates. You will also have to think about the cost-of-living there versus your salary. If it will be more expensive to live in your new city than it is to live in your current one, will your boss be giving you a raise to compensate for the di fference? Then, of course, there are the personal issues to think about, for example leaving family, friends, houses of worship and other familiar things behind. What follows are resources that can help you with the practical issues surrounding relocating including those that you can use to compare the costs of living between your current city and the new one, find apartments, find houses and organize your move. Unfortunately, you will have to figure out the personal issues on your own. This is a free database of United States rental apartments. Includes rent, apartment features, and property features. Some listings even include a photograph. Very easy to search. Moving Get practical advice from Moving Expert Diane Schmidt. Learn how to prepare and budget for your move. Find out how to hire movers or do it yourself. See where you can get information about demographics, schools, and crime. Cost-of-Living Calculator Use this calculator to compare the cos t of living in one city versus another. This nifty tool calculates how a move to a new city will affect your disposable income. It also lets you know how your salary could be affected by the move since your rate of pay may increase or decrease because of local market factors. Local Employment Information Get career and employment information.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

These are the jobs seeing the biggest wage gains this year

These are the jobs seeing the biggest wage gains this yearThese are the jobs seeing the biggest wage gains this yearYou would think some of the fancier job titles would be the ones seeing the biggest increases in wages, but according to Glassdoors latest ranking of jobs showing the fastest wage gains over the past year, it is job positions in lower-skill, lower-paying fields that are seeing the most growth.Andrew Chamberlain, chief economist of Glassdoor saidTodays strong labor market may be starting to improve pay across the income spectrum.He also noted, Aprils pay gains are the fastest weve seen in 2018 so far.However, its still below the 2-3% pace seen in recent years, according to the latest real-time salary data shared by millions of Americans on Glassdoor.Out of 84 job titles, here are the Top 10 jobs with the fastest year-over-year growth in median base pay for full-time employeesFinancial Advisor$55,296 (up 6.4%)Bank Teller$30,066 (up 5.5%)Attorney$101,817 (up 4.7%)Truck Dri ver$53,878 (up 4.5%)Delivery Driver$38,955 (up 4.4%)Web Developer$65,414 (up 3.9%)Network Engineer$71,433 (up 3.6%)Cashier$27,923 (up 3.4%)Web Designer$51,875 (up 3.4%)Security Officer$35,321 (up 3.3%)As you can see the wage growth for lower paying positions like cashier and delivery driver saw very healthy increases. Financial advisor managed to stay in the top spot as those positions require a lot of communication and people skills which is harder to automate, according to the report.Looking for an inspiring way to start your day? Sign up forMorning MotivationIts our friendly Facebook robot that will send you a quick note every weekday morning to help you start strong. Sign up here by clicking Get StartedAs for jobs with the least amount of wage growth heres what took last placeProfessor$86,166 (down 3.3%)Communications Manager$65,882 (down 2.5%)Quality Engineer$71,467 (down 1.5%)Bartender$31,668 (down 1.4%)Maintenance Worker$39,907 (down 1.4%)Research Assistant$30,391 (down 1.2%) Technician$45,318 (down 1.1%)UX Designer$76,003 (down 0.9%)Project Manager$73,575 (down 0.6%)Consultant$72,120 (down 0.6%)The decrease in pay for professors shows the financially unfortunate state of higher education institutions in this country.Glassdoor collected this data using theirKnow Your Worthtool which incorporates millions of salaries directly from U.S. workers by Glassdoor and applies a proprietary machine-learning algorithm to estimate near-real-time trends in local pay for 10 U.S. metros and the nation as a whole.